
Wantna Be A STAR

" 鏡花緣傳奇 " 出品人: 孔權開
陳靖允 飾演 女兒國國王 查蓬
Being an actress, you always being seen 24/7 no matter you are ready or not. So beside working I like to stay at home as much as I can . Some time I can stay as long as a week , order in and just lay around doing nothing...yes...nothing!!!

I do that all the time in fact I love to watch my movie , TV show or DVD .......

......and do my day dreaming!

We actress do like to hide our self .Behide those sun glasses is the best way that we do it , come on ! we need to be our self every once in a while. No full make up....well , we must have some on , OK , may be lipstick , but with our dark circle around those tried eyes , how can we let you see us in that condition???

NO WAY...said my manager

Let's put on that huge sunglass!

And we have to dress nice!!All the time..........
Alway dress like a Movie Star!
(I AM ...AM I ?)

Wear Something not cheap!!!

We will die if some normal housewife has the same dress that we have or worse ...!!
that we just wear and that photo had printed in the news entertainment this week.

To make sure that'll never never happened...We must go around to find some thing cheap but nobody will ever will find them .

You see...that is a price we must pay to be an actress...

And hopefully we will make it...............

not to be a SUPERSTAR
Just for making enough money to pay our rent...........

ha..ha..may be something nice to wear.la.???

2007 copyright陳靖允/ 陳迪華 / siana

